Heritage Overton at the Sheepfair

Heritage Overton will be joining forces with the Overton Photographic Society at this year’s Sheepfair, with a display of photos of Overton in 1920s, together with photos of what those places now look like in 2024.

You may know that Heritage Overton also has a project to record the 100 year history and memories of Overton Mill. Established in the village in 1922, it was the largest banknote paper mill in the world. Some of the interesting and unique memorabilia they have already collected in relation to the mill will also be on display.

And there’s another chance to buy your copy of their book, A History of Overton in Hampshire from 1500. (£15)

They’ll be in the Community Centre both days and look forward to seeing you there, and sharing the history of the village with you.

In the meantime you can find out more about Heritage Overton, who they are and what they do, on their new website.

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