Thanks A Million

When Overton Radio launched, it promised to create a campaign to help support our high street businesses.

Our ‘Thanks A Million’ campaign is now getting closer to its planned launch date, but we’d like to hear from local business owners with their ideas of what we can do to help.

Our plan is to promote Overton’s high street businesses through the power of our growing online and radio audiences in an effort to encourage residents to spend £5 a week with a local business. 

“If each adult in the village did this each week, that would add around £1,000,000 a year to the local economy”, says publican and Overton Radio founder David Harber.

“Buying through large national chains puts money in the pockets of faceless corporate shareholders.  Buying locally enables business owners to buy school uniforms for their kids.

“We’re not asking people to spend an extra fiver, just divert that same note into a local shop, rather than spent it their usual supermarket”.

Buying sausages and burgers from Turners, buying apples and oranges from Wilsons and buying birthday gifts from Renasci will help generate money for our local economy.

Plus, studies have shown that very same five pound note will be spent in other local businesses; meaning the value of that one fiver will be worth much more to the local economy.

The Thanks A Million Campaign is funded by local businesses and advertisers on Overton Radio.

The team at Overton Radio are already planning a variety of printed promotional materials, A-boards and videos and social media content for our launch campaign. 

This goes alongside an integrated social media and radio advertising campaign.

But, we’d really love to get your ideas about how we can get people to ‘divert’ their fiver back into our local economy?  Do you have any ideas you’d like to share? We’d love to know your thoughts.

Please complete the form below to share your thoughts and comments on how we can further support our locally owned high street businesses.

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