Village Groups

Welcome to the Community section of Overton Radio, where you can find out more about what is going on within the community in and around Overton. We provide regular updates of events and activities that are happening through our “Community Noticeboard” on Overton Radio.

If your community activity is not listed here, and you would like it to be added, please contact Overton Radio. Please also get in touch if details need to be updated. We’d love to keep this up to date as best as possible.

Action Drivers

Local volunteer drivers offering lifts to medical appointments. Needs booking in advance. Phone 07733 602972 Monday to Friday between 9.00 a.m. 1.00. p.m. to request a lift or to offer to be a driver

Action Lunch Club

£4 for a 2-course meal, for the lonely, elderly, frail, or with dementia (but self-sufficient). Meets on Tuesdays from 11.15 until 1.00 pm in the Community Centre. Contact June Ferris 01256 771151 or Jane Mackenzie 01256 771121.

Army Cadets

Meets Monday and Wednesday evenings for 12- to 18-year-olds in the Army Cadet Hut, High Street (opposite the golf course). From 19.30 until 21.30. Contact Steve Slack

Art Group

1.30pm-4pm every Thursday at 40 Bridge Street. £30 per term. Contact Mary Reid on 01256 771265

Art and Craft Group

Self directed Every Thursday from 11.00 a.m. until 1.00 pm in St. Mary’s Church rooms (behind the church) starting 27th April. Bring your own materials:- paint/ knit/ sew/ draw etc, create in a social atmosphere. Cost including refreshments, £30 for 12 weeks. Contact Mo Hilton 01256 770886 or email

Badminton Club

Meets at St. Mary’s Hall on Thursdays from 8.00 pm until 10.00 pm. Call Teresa 01256 770248 or just turn up.

Badminton Club at Testbourne School

Thursdays at 8.00 pm. Contact Tom Forsey on 07717 883032 or just turn up. From January 5th until mid-May.

Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers

Contact Group Scout Leader (Stuart Williams) via

  • Beavers (6-8 years) Wednesdays 6-7 pm
  • Cubs (8-10.5 years) Mondays 6.30 -8 pm
  • Scouts (10.5-14 years) Wednesdays 7.30-9.30 pm
  • Explorers (14-18 years) Thursdays 7.30-9.00 pm


Fridays from 7.30 p.m. until 9.00 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church, Overton. Tel: 01256 770980


Every second Wednesday of the month at the Stute from 8.00pm-10.30pm. Pop along to join.

Board Games for Seniors

“Platinum Players” for those over 70 on the third Friday of the month from October to May in St. Mary’s Church rooms at 2.30 pm until 3.45 pm. Refreshments served and transport can be provided, all free of charge. Hosted by the Mothers Union. Contact Ann Barker on 01256 771199

Cocktail Choir

Meets at 7.00 p.m. on the 2nd Monday of the month in St Mary’s Church Rooms. Singing and socialising for adults with a cocktail or mocktail and light bites. You do not have to be a singer! £6 includes entry, drink, snacks and of course singing together! See more on Facebook: Cocktail Choir or email: or 07876 786299

Coffee and Chat

All welcome each Thursday morning at 10.30 a.m. until 11.45 at the White Hart. Buy a drink and have a chat with others in a friendly, welcoming environment. Contact Alison Peters 07745327049 or email

Community Kitchen Garden

In Winchester Street, Overton. Contact or Facebook Community Kitchen Garden to find out more or to volunteer.

Dial a Ride

Operates on Thursdays and Fridays in Overton for those unable to use a bus. Pick up from your home and have a lift in a minibus (with a wheelchair lift) into Basingstoke/Morrison’s and have help with carrying your shopping. Book 3 days in advance on 01256 574401 or 01256 462101. Costs £4.80.

Friday Toddlers

for pre-schoolers and their parents/carers. Every Friday in term time from 10.00 a.m. until 11.30 a.m. in St. Mary’s Church rooms (behind the church). Costs £2.00. Contact Margaret Elkins 01256 771155 or Jenny Clements 01256 771286.


a bible-based club for families on the first Sunday of the month in St. Luke’s Hall at 3.00 pm until 4.30 p.m. Craft, games, challenges, drama, songs, sketches and stories run by Overton Churches Together. Contact 07827 878263 or see Facebook updates.

Keep Fit

On Mondays in St. Mary’s Church Rooms from 7.00 pm till 8.00 pm. Contact Jill Tuck on 07879 473759

Kingfisher Day Centre

Activities and care for older people. Transport available. Contact Nicola Smith 01256 893333 or

LifeSpring Community Church

meet each Sunday morning at St. Luke’s Hall at 10.30 a.m. Leader: Earl Robinson 07827 878 263.

Little Creations

Parent/Toddler group – Thursday mornings from 10.00 a.m. until 11.30 at the Town Meadow Hut. Contact: Earl Robinson 07827 878 263.

LiveWell Longer and Drop In

Meets variously at the Saturday Market and the Community Centre. We can provide information on a range of topics such as finding help to manage the home, social activities locally or what government help you may be eligible for. Contact Janet on 07341 983305 or email for more info.

LiveWell Longer Social Group

Tuesdays 2-4 pm at the Community Centre. Contact Margaret on 01256 771710

Lordsfield Swimming Club

At Overton Community Outdoor Pool, run by the community for the community. Contact Facebook @ overton community pool or

Meeting Point

for those aged over 70 who are living alone – a chance to meet up with others for a chat, tea, cake, and an activity. Lifts available. Meets on the first Friday of each month from 2.30 pm until 3.45 pm in St. Mary’s Church upstairs room (behind the church). There is a lift in the building. Contact Margaret Elkins 01256 771155.

Men’s Shed (Test Valley)

Meets on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 0900 hrs – 1200 hrs at the Old Pavilion, Laverstoke.

Mindfulness Meditation

Sessions at the Surgery, Station Road. Saturday mornings from 8.20 a.m. until 9.00 a.m. Also by Zoom link on Saturday and Wednesday mornings 8:20am to 9am. Free. Contact Mo Hilton 01256 770886

Music with Mummy

For babies and toddlers. Wednesdays 10.15 a.m. in the Community Centre, High Street, Overton, RG25 3HB. Email

Overton Art Group

Self directed. Meets each Tuesday at the ORC in Bridge Street from 2.00 pm until 4.00 pm. Contact Carol Taylor 01256 773274.

Overton Band Jam

free local live music in the Memorial Institute on the last Wednesday of each month. Free entry. 8.30 p.m. start. Musicians welcome, solo acts, bands, jammers. See Facebook: OvertonBandJam

Overton Biodiversity Society

Opportunities to learn about local wildlife issues through walks, talks and practical local conservation work including helping Overton Parish Council maintain Little Meadow as a wildlife resource. Contact

Overton Choral Society

Meets on Monday evenings at 7.45 p.m. in St. Mary’s Hall in the High Street. Contact

Overton Dramatic Society

A small friendly group usually producing two shows a year (late Spring and late Autumn). ODS also run social events throughout the year. Anyone interested in directing, appearing on stage, or getting involved otherwise – such as back stage, with wardrobe (costumes), lighting, sound set building/painting or front of house – is very welcome to get in touch via When rehearsing, ODS meet Tuesday and Thursday evenings at the ORC Bridge Street, and shows are performed at St Mary’s Hall. More information or search Facebook, Instagram or Twitter for @overtondramatic.

Overton Folk Club

meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 8.00 p.m. in the Community Centre.

Overton Gaming Group

Second Tuesday of the month at the Red Lion at 7.30pm.

Overton Garden Society

meets 2nd Thursday of the month (October to April) at 7.30 pm in Overton Community Centre. During summer months there are visits to local gardens. Contact Sue Salt on 01256 773080

Overton Recreation Centre

The ORC is a charity that manages three recreational facilities in Overton representing numerous sports and clubs including golf, football, harriers, cricket, tennis, art and scouts. Please contact for a wealth of info about becoming a member, hiring the facilities and about the clubs, sports and societies.

Overton Tarot

A course and discussion based group for those with an interest in using Tarot cards. Contact Paul on WhatsApp for more info: 07964 723223

Overton Wine Club

Every 3rd Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm at Overton Community Centre. Email or phone Robin Taylor on 01256 770049

Overton Women’s Institute

meets 1st Tuesday of the month at 7.15 pm in Overton Community Centre. For information contact 01256 770641 or email

Pagan Moot

A semi-regular gathering of those with an earth based spirituality. Contact Paul on WhatsApp 07964 723223 for more details

Peepo Sensory Baby Classses

Tuesdays at 10.30 a.m. in St. Mary’s Church Rooms, Church Road. See for more details.

Photography Club

Practical sessions and club competitions. Please contact for more information.

Pilates during term-time

at Honesty Coffee Shop, Mondays 6pm

Pilates in Overton


Pilates online

Contact Cath Wheeler on for more info.

Pop Fit Aerobic Classes

on Wednesdays at 8.15 p.m. at St. Mary’s Hall, High Street. £50 for a 7-week course. Contact Ali on 07747 671732 or email

Rainbows, Brownies and Guides:

Repair Café

Some Saturday mornings in the Community Centre – a chance to have something repaired rather than throw it away! Contact to book your item in!

Rosemary Portal Social Group

Meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month from 10.00 am until noon at the Stute. Contact Alison on 07919 418551 for more info or to arrange a lift.

Saturday Market

First Saturday of each month in St. Mary’s Hall in the High Street from 10.00 a.m. until noon. Refreshments, local plants and crafts.

Senior Fitness

Community Centre, Overton from 4.30 pm until around 5.30 p.m. on Thursdays. £6 per session. Contact Debbie Darrard 07920 143399

Silver Swans

at The Studio, Overton on Tuesdays from 11.30 a.m. until 12.30 p.m. Specially designed dance lessons for seniors. Silver Swans will help improve your mobility, posture, co-ordination, and energy. See or ring 07749 112626

Short Mat Bowls Club

Mondays and Thursdays 7.30 pm till 9.30 pm at St Luke’s Hall. Contact 01256 770409

St. Mary’s Church of England

All welcome at our 10.30 a.m. service each Sunday with children’s groups. Contact Rev James Russell 01256 589614 or see

Sustainable Overton

find out how you can live more sustainably and help others to do so too. Lots of local opportunities to make a difference! See or email or ring 01256 771919


Meets in the community centre on Monday evenings. Beginners very welcome. Contact Paul on WhatsApp: 07964723223


rain on Tuesdays and Saturdays in St Luke’s Hall. Contact Facebook Overton Taekwondo or email


for all ages, particularly those retired or semi-retired to meet and make new friends who share the same interests. Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 10.00 a.m. in St. Mary’s Hall, High Street, Overton from 15th September to 15th June. There are also around 30 special interest groups meeting regularly. Contact or ring 01256 781649.

Walking Group

Meets each Monday at the Overton Recreation Ground in Bridge Street at 10.00 a.m. for a short or a longer walk. Refreshments afterwards. Contact:

Welcome Hub

On Thursdays, 10.00 a.m. until noon in St. Mary’s Hall on the High Street to socialise and enjoy activities and refreshments. Contact Steve or Denise Williams on 01256 770434


  • On Wednesdays from 6.45 pm to 8.15 pm in St. Mary’s Church Rooms. Contact Rowan Allen on 07885 545441.
  • On Mondays in St. Mary’s Church Rooms from 8.15 p.m. until 9.15 p.m. Contact Penny Davies on 07786 959394.
  • On Fridays at 12.00 in St. Mary’s Church Rooms. Message Natalia Monti Colombani via Facebook.
  • After school club (years 7-9) Tuesdays 15.50 – 16.40 in St Mary’s Hall, High Street. Contact 07880 742817

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