Station Road Flooding: Update

Hampshire County Council have given an update on the ongoing flooding situation in Station Road.

They are now looking to undertake tree removal and vegetation clearance, with the agreement of Portals to provide the necessary access to the ditch at the edge of the road and along its full length to its outfall at the River Test. The ditch will then be cleared and re-graded to ensure that a fall from the road to the river is established. This should then increase the water flow and lower the water levels in the roadside ditch. This work is programmed for early September.

Theu have also come to an agreement with BT whereby they will install a duct/pipe from their chamber in the footway, which the council will connect across the road to outfall into the ditch. This should stop the water from exiting via the top of the BT chamber cover. There is no agreed date at present for these works to progress. Finally, the council are also liaising with the Environment Agency regarding the cause of the ground water and for the necessary permits to undertake the proposed works. In the meantime, the area will continue to be monitored to keep it safe for the travelling public.

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