Tomorrow, the people of Overton will come together to remember those who died in conflict.
Sunday’s events will see a parade begin from Beech Tree Care Home in Sprents Lane at 10.30am. The parade will go down Winchester Street, then Kingsclere Road, before congregating at the War Memorial outside St. Mary’s Church at 10.50, where there will be a short service, before the main service takes place inside the church.
If you would like to enjoy a hot drink and a breakfast roll before hand, the Red Lion will be open from 10am, with donations to go to the Royal British Legion.
There will also be a church service at 10.50am at St. Mary The Virgin in Freefolk.
Today, Overton’s Army Cadets have been in the village selling poppies for the Royal British Legion.
Overton Radio will be broadcasting live from the parade from 10.25am tomorrow on our Facebook page. We will also be observing a two minutes silence at 11am.